An electric motor manufacturer was growing tired of vertical reciprocating storage systems. They were continuously breaking down, costly to repair, and caused a loss of productivity. So this customer contacted KABTech to replace these faulty storage systems with a mezzanine and industrial shelving systems.
We were able to give them the same storage capacity, but with much easier access and without the risk of machines breaking down. KABTech provided them with a ResinDek uncoated composite flooring system. ResinDek is engineered to withstand pallet jacks and shelving point loads better than standard sheeting materials.
For access, KABTech provided an OSHA stairway and freestanding landing. We installed a 6’ wide swing gate to provide easy placement and retrieval of pallets by forklift.
The customer was very pleased with KABTech’s installation and solution to their faulty storage system issue!
Contact KABTech today for a free quote on any of your warehouse enclosure, storage mezzanine, divider, or wire security cage problems and let us find your solutions for you.
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